
Pain Management,
Mental Wellbeing,
Weight Management,
Hormonal Health,
Digestive Health

Main benefits

  • Helps to relieve pain, including chronic pain
  • Helps with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis
  • Helps with headaches and migraines
  • Helps with stress, anxiety and depression
  • Helps with digestive issues
  • Helps with insomnia
  • Helps with hormonal balancing, menstrual cycles and fertility
  • Boosts immune system
  • Helps to balance emotions

What it is and how it works

Modern Acupuncture is founded on the ancient Chinese Medicine-based approach to overall health and is one of the longest established forms of healthcare in the world.

Over the years, it has been developed, tested, researched and refined to give a detailed understanding of the body's energy balance.

It is a minimally invasive method where the acupuncturist inserts extremely thin needles to specific points on the body. This creates natural activations, stimulating the body’s self-healing mechanisms and helps to balance the body’s natural energy flows. The body’s responses also involve the release of certain chemical substances, promoting further healing and pain regulation.  

Acupuncturists are trained to use various diagnostic techniques to find the root cause of any symptoms and dysfunctions, and focus on treating the whole individual rather than the condition itself. Each acupuncture treatment is unique, tailored to each client.  Treatments are designed to affect your whole being as well as any symptoms, so, as the condition being treated improves, you may notice other health issues or niggles resolving naturally, resulting in restoration of your physical, emotional and mental equilibrium, and an overall sense of wellbeing.


The first known book of Chinese Medicine, the Classic of Internal Medicine of the Yellow Emperor, dates back to between the first century BC and the first century AD. All styles of acupuncture currently practised around the world trace their roots back to this millennia-old text. Ancient Chinese scholars (without the benefit of modern scientific equipment) discovered many now familiar aspects of biomedical science, such as the impact of emotional stress on the body and the immune system.

During the early part of the twentieth century, traditional medicine fell out of fashion in China, as symptomatic healthcare ideas were brought over from the West, along with other cultural influences. However, requests by Western trained doctors to ban traditional Chinese Medicine were rejected by the National Medical Assembly in Shanghai on 17 March 1929. TCM remained in the shadow of Western Medicine until the Long March of 1934-5, when, without drugs, anaesthetics or surgery, vast numbers of sick and wounded soldiers faced death until doctors of TCM achieved amazing results using acupuncture and other traditional methods of treatment. From this point on, TCM and western medicine were practised side by side in China.

Today traditional Acupuncture is practised all around the world and has become a recognised option within standard healthcare.


Experts practising this therapy