Personalised strategies for achieving optimal health

Sanko is about you and your personal journey to good health

Enhance your wellbeing and reach your highest potential by incorporating impactful self-management practices, new behaviours and therapies into your life, that align with you and your unique path
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Of our users notice health improvements within a week of implementing Sanko guidance
Of our users report noticeable health improvements since starting on a Sanko Journey.

Behaviour Science and AI to understand you holistically

With a holistic understanding of yourself and what matters to you, our behaviour science-led AI solution guides you to the most suitable interventions for your health needs, constantly adapting to your preferences, motivations and response to guidance.

We help you understand the process of identifying and integrating the interventions that work for you, making lasting behaviours part of your life.

Our collective intelligence includes practitioner solutions and community experiences that directly reflect the interests of diverse users.

A relatable and integrated service

Our commitment is to empower you to achieve your highest potential by knowing yourself and forging your own path towards better health

You are your own health compass

Navigating a world filled with so many health risks is a continuous challenge.
Learn effective self-help tools, acquire new skills, and understand what works for you so you can maintain good health
Approval by practitioners
Improved health

A new paradigm of care with multi‑disciplinary approach

Our bodies are intricate networks, interconnected and dynamic. We experience symptoms and develop health issues when our body’s complex systems get out of balance. A singular approach or one-dimensional solutions does not address our modern chronic health challenges.

To truly overcome chronic issues, it's all about the fusion! Our multidimensional approach combines diverse self-management tools with practitioner support to restore all your body systems for optimal function. 

What are our customers and clinicians saying?