Nature walks (overall wellbeing)

Mental and Emotional Wellbeing,
Weight Management,
Pain Management, Hormonal health
Digestive Health,

Walking mindfully in nature has a profoundly positive effect on our physiology in every aspect. Healing comes directly from the connection between individuals and their natural surroundings by activating their senses and reconnecting with the earth’s magnetic frequency.

Spending time amongst trees creates positively calming neuro-psychological effects through changes in the nervous system, encourages relaxation and cognitive awareness whilst relieving stress and enhancing overall sense of wellbeing.

Simple ways to enjoy Nature Walks

You don't have to take a holiday or go for a long hike in a nature reserves or forests to experience the benefits of nature walks. Simply schedule a minimum of 10-15 minutes on a regular basis to walk in a nearby park, observe your surroundings fully, take some nourishing deep breaths, look up, and exercise your senses. You can then build on it, and spend more time outdoors when time allows. 

For more nature immersion, learn more about the Japanese practice of Shinrin Yoku (Forest Bathing) and check our curated information for a self guided forest bathing experience.