The importance of a good posture

Pain Management,
Mental Wellbeing,
Weight Management,
Pain management,
Digestive Health

Most of us are aware that correct posture and proper alignment are important, and on closer look, it is evident that it is the foundation of our overall health - physical, mental and emotional.

Incorrect posture on an ongoing basis can increase physical and mental stress on the body, as spinal nerves may be under pressure, and any tension may constrict proper flow of blood, lymph flow, and neurological impulses. These interruptions can cause havoc, as not enough oxygen is delivered to our vital organs, the lymphatic system cannot eliminate toxins and cellular debris effectively, and the neurological communication between the brain and the body is jeopardised.

These can eventually lead to major imbalances and dysfunctions of organs and glands, and disrupt our body chemistry (hormones). These imbalances manifest as physical, mental and emotional symptoms - aches and pains, digestive issues, fatigue, lack of motivation, irritability, low moods and even depression - and if constant stress is present, symptoms can escalate out of control.

All our 11 body systems rely on correct alignment and depend on each other; and like the Domino Effect, each one needs the others to maintain optimal function for good health.

Correct posture isn’t limited to a beautiful tall stance with a perfectly stacked up spine but encompasses the alignment of all of our musculoskeletal structures, internal organs, as well as the nervous system.

Deriving from the ancient practices of Yoga and Tai Chi, where alignment and correct posture is key for maximum health benefits, many rehabilitative, hands-on therapies and health promoting activities of today are based on the same principles. Despite their varying techniques, they have one common goal - to help people improve their overall health and enjoy a better quality of life. 

The following practices all focus on proper body alignment for optimal physical, mental and emotional wellbeing: Alexander Technique, Biokinetics, Chi Nei Tsang, Chiropractic, Myofascial Release Therapy, Osteopathy, Pilates, Rolfing, Shiatsu, Tai Chi, Yoga.