Dry brushing (weight management)

Mental and Emotional Wellbeing,
Weight Management,
Pain Management, Hormonal health
Digestive Health,

Dry brushing is the simplest way to enhance our overall health and well-being, as it enhances blood flow and stimulates the nervous system, leaving the body feel invigorated. It is an Ayurvedic practice that has been around for centuries and has been practiced by many other ancient cultures.

It involves ‘massaging’ the body surface by gently brushing dry skin with a dry and firm-bristled brush and performed in a particular sequence. * Brushing the skin while it is dry allows for a thorough exfoliation without ridding it of moisture the way hot bath or shower water can. Hot water inflames the skin, and can strip away oils, fats, and proteins that keep our skin healthy.

Dry brushing boosts circulation, delivering oxygenated blood to the whole body, and assists with internal detoxification by stimulating the lymphatic system and enhancing the lymph flow. 

Dry brushing also helps with the breakdown of fat deposits and cellulite (toxins trapped in fat deposits). The lymphatic fluid helps to discharge these accumulated toxins and metabolic wastes, tightening the skin and helping with muscle tone. This eventually facilitates cellulite reduction and promotes weight loss.

* Our recommended video on how to dry brush effectively with Kelly Kennedy