Facial Reflex Therapy

Pain Management,
Mental Wellbeing,
Weight Management,
Hormonal Health,
Digestive Health

Main benefits

  • Helps with the relief of stress, anxiety and emotional sensitivity
  • Helps with depression and low moods
  • Helps with trauma release and PTSD
  • Helps with Vagus Nerve regulation
  • Helps with sleep issues and insomnia
  • Helps with hormonal issues
  • Helps with skin conditions
  • Helps with digestive health conditions
  • Helps with immune system conditions
  • Helps with neurological conditions
  • Enhances overall wellbeing

What it is and how it works

Facial Reflex Therapy combines the ancient philosophies and medical practices of Chinese acupuncture with the meridian theory, and the Tibetan, Vietnamese and South American body maps with modern science of neuroanatomy.

It is a gentle, deeply relaxing yet rejuvenating treatment, mostly done on the face, and sometimes combined with reflex areas and points on the scalp, ears, hands and feet. This allows the therapist to assess the body, identifying any imbalances, which provides information needed for a personalised treatment, with the potential to balance the individual on all levels: physical, psychological and energetic.

The practitioner works in a particular sequence on the face, stimulating facial muscles, face zones and points, and working on various micro systems (representing different body parts) which have a nerve relationship with the individual organs, glands, body systems and the brain.  

The gentle rhythmic movements and pressing on the select reflex points send impulses via the vast neural network between the brain and the targeted structures and systems, helping to regulate the body’s functions and facilitates overall balancing and healing.


The root of Reflex Therapy goes back some five thousand years, developed over a period of several hundred years in Oriental villages, where manual reflex therapy was practiced well before acupuncture, and is the oldest form of Traditional Oriental Medicine known. Historians also found references to using sharp stones and other instruments to help alleviate pain and disease dating back to Stone Age.

There are more references going back 3000 years to the practice of manual therapies in various forms and to their use on hands, feet, and the face in Egyptian, African and Aboriginal cultures. The oldest documentation dates to around 2500 BC, found in the tomb of a distinguished Egyptian Doctor, Anknahor de Saqqara who practised foot and facial reflexology.

Incas practiced reflexology through generations as a preventative health treatment, and the Cherokee Indians recognised the importance of maintaining a physical, mental and spiritual balance and practised reflexology to achieve that. There are other aboriginal cultures in the Andes, southern Argentina, who continue to use facial therapy in its primitive form. There also exists ancient references, illustrating ways of diagnosing patients through observing the ear, tongue, face, and by feeling the pulses on different points of the body.

In 1872, an American Doctor, Dr. William Fitzgerald was carrying out research into Reflexology in Vienna and London, and came to some interesting findings with regards to ear, nose and throat problems, applying foot and facial reflexology instead of traditional anaesthesia.

In the 20 Century, two American Doctors, George Goodhart and John F. Thei carried out important research into acupuncture and created a technique known as kinesiology which includes the stimulation of the cranium. Cranial-sacral therapy today occupies an important place amongst complementary medicine, and is often used as part of Facial Reflex Therapy.

Dr. Alfonso Cornelius from Germany was the first person in Europe to publish an article about Facial Reflexology entitled “Druckpunte” in 1902 in a monthly medical magazine.

Most recently however,(since 1978) the Danish reflexologist Lone Sorensen started pioneering her own method called Neuro-Reflex Therapy, which she developed into what is today known as Facial Reflex Therapy - sorensensistem. Inspired by the ancient medical approaches from different cultures and latest neuroscience, Lone's techniques are primarily based on the Tibetan medical practices and philosophies and include different microsystems with scientific research by Dr. Yamamoto (YNSA) - Japan, Dr. Castillo Morales - Argentina, Dr. Wong - USA, Dr. Chau - Vietnam, Maria Perez -Argentina, and Dr. J. Bossy - France. Her aim is to offer a very effective natural therapy to as many people as possible. Lone continues to research, develop, and add new techniques to her therapy, and personally oversees the training of her methods around the world.


Experts practising this therapy