Leisure activities and hobbies support our health and wellbeing

Pain Management,
Mental Wellbeing,
Weight Management,
Pain management,
Digestive Health

When stressed or overwhelmed, besides the various therapies and self-care tools that support us on physiological/mechanical level, there are many leisure activities and hobbies which can positively impact our wellbeing. This includes our mental and emotional health, resulting in a much improved stress response and strengthened coping mechanisms.

The simple act of taking a little time for yourself with joy and compassion is deeply therapeutic. Enjoying an activity or a hobby because it resonates with you, and you get profound satisfaction from, is very nourishing for the body and mind.  

It can be as simple as checking up on your garden, dancing in the kitchen to your favourite song, colouring in when you take a tea break (there are beautiful colouring books available at local bookstores) or putting on your trainers and going for a gentle jog around the block, or as complicated as building intricate lego, knitting a challenging sweater design or composing a song....

In addition, as natural social creatures, local clubs and special interests classes offer that community support which is vital for our sense of self, and provides immeasurable health benefits.

In a nutshell

Physical and emotional health and deep satisfaction are interdependent, so it is highly beneficial to combine physical activities, self care practices, professional therapies and hobbies, making them all part of your life.

Guided practices (Online)

Yin Yoga by Jeff Lester: Yin Yoga works on deep connective tissue release, important for easing any built up tension within the muscular and fascial systems helping to alleviate any pain, tension, stress and anxiety. It is a passive style of yoga which involves holding each pose longer, while paying attention to the breath and body sensations. Yin practice helps to harmonise the body on all levels and improves the sense of overall wellness.

EcoNidra by Sonya Dibbin: EcoNidra is a healing meditation technique that helps reconnect us with ourselves and the wider natural world. It has its roots in Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) and includes the traditional '61-point pilgrimage through the body' to transition into a deep state of consciousness between being awake and being asleep. 

Cafe Calm by Hannah Hatherrell: Cafe Calm is an online solution for the practice of relaxation and mindfulness lead by leading Hypnotherapists and Calmer Mind Coach - Hannah Hatherrell. These half hour sessions are suitable for everyone wanting to feel balanced calm and confident.


Slow paced: Tai-Chi, Chi-Gong, Yoga, Pilates, Forest Bathing

Fast paced: Nordic walking, jogging, aerobic exercise, cycling, rowing, canoeing, swimming, and all sports club offerings from football to ping pong

Passive: Sound healing, Yoga Nidra, chanting, mindfulness, meditation

Hobbies and Interests

Gardening, all arts and crafts, creative writing, music appreciation, model building (ie; lego, miniatures) singing in the choir, playing a musical instrument, and many more....

Zeena Keast

Facial and Neuro Reflex Therapist, Trauma Educator, Co-founder at Sanko